

Affiliations and Certifications

Have a Look at the list of various organizations Pace institute is Affiliated with. These Affiliations and Certifications show our realibility and credibility.


ISO is an independent and non-governmental international organization. This organization develops standards to ensure the quality, safety, security, efficiency and management of products and services offered by a company. Learn more...


Quality Council of India(QCI) is a non-profit and autonomous organization that was established with the support of the government of India under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. This organization was established to develop a process for the third-party evaluation of products and services. Learn more...


International Transactional Analysis Association(ITAA) is a non-profit educational establishment that aims to advance the theory, methods and principles of transactional analysis. Learn more...


Tourism and Hospitality Skill Council (THSC) is a non-profit establishment that is registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. It is an approved and awarding organization under the National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET). They deal with hotels, restaurants, cruise liners and so on. Learn more...